TOLSON Industry

Communauté industrielle

Qu’est-ce que Industry ?

Industry est une communauté d’entreprises industrielles européennes qui échangent et collaborent en vue d’accélérer le déploiement de l’industrie 4.0 dans leurs usines


Vos pairs

Des prestataires innovants


Des bonnes pratiques

Vos défis actuels



A partir d'exemples marquants

Tout en un

Une offre complète pour répondre à tous vos besoins en matière d’industrie 4.0 : atelier connecté, data et analytics, smart automation, transformation … et même empreinte environnementale est constituée de différents éléments :

  • Ateliers de travail : Groupes d’échanges et collaboration sur les sujets Industrie 4.0
  • Visites d’usines : Rencontres entre entreprises sur sites, pour voir les projets sur le terrain
  • Conseil à la demande : Les équipes de TOLSON seront disponibles pour vous aider à répondre à des besoins spécifiques ou mener des actions collectives (réalisation de benchmark, d’outils d’aide à la décision, …)
  • Evènements : Des rencontres entre membres de la communauté pour renforcer votre réseau

Une approche structurée

Une couverture exhaustive des sujets, de la définition d’une stratégie pour répondre à des enjeux business jusqu’à la transformation des façons de travailler, en se basant sur les multiples technologies disponibles 

Que vous apportera votre participation à Industry ?

Economiser du temps et de l’argent

Engager vos sites dans la transformation 4.0

Accéder aux meilleures pratiques

Accéder à des outils clés en main

Témoignages des participants

BICIT Manufacturing Manager

By participating, I was confirmed several times on some choicesand this made my vision evolve. What I consider great are these workshop moments where we take a step back, review our ideas & take time to ask ourselves new questions.

DANONEOperations Director

I am quite impressed by the speed of deployment of companies. If you compare where we were at the beginning of the year and now I see that we have all made big steps of change, we have also identified the challenges for the years to come. Extremely well structured.

EssilorLuxotticaManager for Automation Engineering

It gave us ideas for the future. It pushes our approach. I change some of my presentations reusing the key messages shared within the community.

DANONEOperations Digital Transfo Director

A part of the results Danone has achieved today is thanks to the community & its participants.
Thank you for creating this initiative and for making things possible.

HUTCHINSONChief Performance Officer

The 2020 activity added value to all of us. The exchanges have always been refreshing and eyes openers.

DANONEPerformance Director

The balance between the dicussion for things more mature & pure technical solutions that can be embeded in our processes, for me, it's something really interesting. It opens some possibilities for the future, new doors.

LEGRANDHead of Industrial Organization

Well organized, very interesting. It's a good thing to have both a synthesis of the exchanges with our peers & external insights from relevant providers.

DANONEDigital Operations Transformation

Thanks for your great work. Keep it up !
Great plan for 2021. I like the new approaches. I feel enthusiastic.

ARKEMADigital Manufacturing Project Manager

Very interesting, especially the level of transparency of the elements and roadmaps shared by the participants. It was really value-added content. Useful ideas, concrete examples and figures.

DANONEPeople & Performance director

Very comprenhensive, impressive job done by different groups over the year, and great performance from Tolson in summarizing all of it.

DANONEDigital automation & Performance

Great organization and great report from Tolson. The document is very nice, well presented and stick very well with all discussions during this year. Good job Tolson !

IMERYSProcess Manager - center of excellence

The evolution of the program goes in a good way for me. I like the proposed activities. I have really appreciated the presentation done by the different companies. It was very interesting to benchmark the different approaches and to see lots of common points.

HUTCHINSONDigital Operations Manager

So interesting to see the evolution of our confreres and how we improve and structure these new functionsI. The global result is so good and high level !
Bravo à toute l'équipe.

DANONEDigital Manufacturing Manager

It helps to see where we stand compare to other companies and is great to for getting some inspiration. Useful information and deliverables that we will use this year. Looking forward to keep collaborating.

LEGRANDPerformance & Organization

It is an unexpected opportunity not only to share our expertise but also to understand what other companies are doing. I would almost say that our roadmap was codesigned with TOLSON & the community, we all comforted each other by sharing the results of our initiatives and benefiting from each other's experience.

Et bien plus encore...

DOBok - Digital Operations Body of knowledge

Explorer les résultats de 4 ans de recherches et d’échanges sur l’industrie 4.0 par 20 des plus grandes entreprises manufacturières

Digital Factory Awards - Récompenser vos usines

Un programme inter-entreprise de récompenses pour célébrer les succès de vos usines dans leur transformation digitale

Factory Days - Des rencontres locales et nationales

Booster l’engagement de vos usines envers leur transformation par le partage d’expérience avec les usines locales d’autres groupes industriels Academy - Des formations inter-entreprises

Un ensemble de contenus de formations mutualisés

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      Evènements (Moments clés de la communauté, webinars, ...)