TOLSON Industry 4.co
Manufacturing community

What is Industry 4.co ?
Industry 4.co is a community of European industrial companies that exchange and collaborate in order to accelerate the deployment of Industry 4.0 in their plants
Innovative providers
Best practices
Current challenges
From experts
From leading examples
A broad offering of activities to be adjusted to your needs
Sites' visits
Best practices sharing sessions
4.0 lighthouses sites & most relevant initiatives
(Physical & virtual/remote visits)
Projects & transformation learnings (technological, organizational, …)
Industry 4.co Days
Sessions to gather the community, work together on specific topics and meet disruptive providers
On-demand workshops
Address companies’ hot topics and define the best way to solve them (benchmark, co-project…)
4.0 Toolbox
Ready-to-use tools developed by industrial companies (maturity assessment…)
Industry 4.co in 90 seconds
Testimonials from participants
Our Beliefs
- Companies learn faster when sharing with peers
- Real-life experience and experimentation is of more value than slideware
What you will get from Industry 4.co
Save time and money
Develop your network
Onboard your sites into 4.0
Access to knowledge and tools
Engage your Operations Managers
And much more besides...
DOBok - Digital Operations Body of knowledge
Explore the outcomes of a 3-year exploration of Industry 4.0 by 16 major manufacturing companies

Digital Factory Awards - Award your factories
A cross-companies awarding program to celebrate factories achievements in their digitization journey

Digital Factories Booster Days
Boost factories’ engagement into 4.0 transformation through experience sharing with local sites

4.co Academy - Cross company training courses
A mutualized set of training sessions on 4.0 topics for all Industry 4.co companies

Want to receive more information about industry 4.co ?

Next sessions
IT / OT convergence
- How to implement IT / OT integration?
- How to create understanding and collaboration between IT and OT teams?
- Design IT / OT training, build IT / OT site’s assessment…
Smart automation
- How to build a structured way of assessing a given site’s opportunities for smart automation (cobots, low-cost automation, AGVs)?
- Deep dive in LCA
- Fine tuning AGV project methodology & tools
Process, flows, layout simulation
- How to take the best out of simulation tools in order to reconfigure & optimize factories lay out and physical organization?
Digital & remote shopfloor
- How the deployment of mobile (and remote) solutions can be generalized, and which impact on the shopfloor’s organization?
- Use cases
- How to move from the quest for the unbeatable architecture to the implementation of the attack-ready organization?
Additive manufacturing
- How to deploy the use of additive manufacturing (AM) at larger scale?
- How to test, qualify, redesign?
- New materials and technologies
- Ecosystems around AM
Industry 4.0 performance
- How to assess the actual value created by Operations digitization?
- Move from deployment to performance KPIs