In this community you will:
Procurement Community
What is VDA?
VDA is a peer-to-peer initiative that brings together professionals from more than 30 multinational companies working in the field of Procurement to progress together on common challenges.
VDA has the ambition to cover all the need of knowledge of companies participating.
Your peers
Disruptive providers
Best practices
Your current challenges
From experts
From best-in-class examples
What you will get from VDA?
Save time and money
Develop your network
Engage your buyers
Access to knowledge and best practices

Do you want to know more?
Submit your information to receive the brochure:

And much more besides
TOLSON Book of Procurement
Explore the outcomes of a 6-year exploration of Procurement by 25 major companies
Mapping of Sheltered Labour Market
Explore the regulatory framework of European countries regarding the sheltered labour market
Mapping of Emission factors database
A document with all major information about Emissions Factors database that will help you tackle the Scope 3 challenge
Sustainable Procurement Maturity model
A quick assessment of the maturity of your Sustainable Procurement practices
Our beliefs
- Companies have a lot to share and learn from their peers
- Peer to peer exchanges are a highly effective way of building a vision and a roadmap
- Real-life experience of operational teams provides an unbiased fact-based point of view
Nos expertises
Testimonials from TOLSON’s communities participants