First VDA Disruption Day : Through the discovery of innovative digital solutions for Procurement

For this first VDA Disruption Day, TOLSON gathered around 40 participants from large companies – both physically and virtually – as well as 7 innovative digital solutions providers : Bruce, Datapred, Kactus, Little Big Connection, Scoutbee, Sievo and Yoomap. 
The objective of this exciting event was to deep-dive into 7 disruptive solutions that can bring change to Procurement by optimizing its performance, reducing costs and time-cosuming tasks for Buyers.
We would like to thank all the participants who contributed in making this event such a success !


Disruption Day is one among many events initiated by VDA community.
VDA is a structured benchmarking initiative addressing priority topics for Procurement. With over 320 participants form over 23 large accounts, our objective is to progress together by leveraging collective intelligence. To make this possible, VDA gathers large companies to make them share their innovative projects band best practices, have best expert insights, discover disruptive digital solutions, carry out collective initiatives and much more ! To learn more about it, contact us !