From the design and implementation of a transformation program or reorganisation to actions in the field aimed at improving collaboration between buyers and stakeholders and leveraging supplier innovation, TOLSON supports you in transforming your Procurement organisation to a key value contributor.
Implement a more strategic procurement organization
Make the Procurement function a recognized contributor to company performance.
Transform & Onboard
Digital Procurement
Supplier Innovation
Sustainable Procurement
- In the case of a transformation, major reorganisation or redesign of a Procurement roadmap, TOLSON will ensure that:
- Input from stakeholders is captured
- Key messages are understood and adopted
- Design a digital roadmap
- Ensure it is understood and adopted by buyers
- Deploy the roadmap with success
- Foster an innovation mindset in buyers
- Leverage supplier innovation to create value
- Organise a Supplier Summit that brings results
- Engage internal stakeholders in supplier innovation
- Define the Sustainable Procurement strategy and an evaluation matrix
- Map Scope 3 upstream emissions
- Organize workshops to ensure buyers have understood the company ambition on Sustainability

VDA - Leveraging collective intelligence for Procurement
At Tolson we are working in a revolutionary way of consulting: Progress Together! Knowledge is directly shared between peers without the filter of a solution provider or a consultant.
- VDA is a unique initiative that relies on the collective intelligence of more than 30 large companies.
- The mission they have in common is boosting their indirect procurement categories thanks to best practice sharing and innovative digital solution discovery.
- Within VDA, TOLSON is responsible for the overall structure and organization the project.
- Each year, we organize around 50 workshops and events with more than 400 participants…where we learned how to turn peer to peer exchanges into a highly effective way of building a vision and a roadmap.

Upcoming VDA sessions
How to address CO2 in a tender?
How can we increase the performance of SSCs?
How to guide users to the right channel?
Supplier diversity
Supplier Risk Management
How to reduce CO2 in existing suppliers and projects?
Procurement Academy
Are there disruptive Sourcing to Contract tools?
User-led solution to address tailspend
Use of a content aggregator
Supplier Innovation


Supplier innovation is more than just an event, but a way of working! We strongly believe that the role of Purchasing in innovation is to bring together the Business and Suppliers in a structured way.
TOLSON assists you to develop and deploy an end-to-end innovation system that onboards the business, management, suppliers and buyers from the identification of innovation needs up to the follow-up of innovation projects.
A company that does not take in to consideration Sustainability, has no future.
This is why TOLSON created The Sustainable Business Community (SBC), a community that gathers professionals working on Sustainability and CSR to progress together faster on common challenges.
SBC is more than a Club; our ambition is to address all your challenges in a very structured and organized manner through peer-to-peer discussions that produce concrete and actionable deliverables.

They trust us
- We are more likely to adopt a change if we contribute to its conception.
- As the “process owner” of the supplier relationship, buyers are a key player in innovation in the company
- Direct exchanges between peers has a lot of value when defining a vision
